Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Some Machine Embroidery Going On

Well last week I did find some time to do a couple small embroidery projects.  One of the ladies I work with wanted the school logo put on a shirt
And my daughter had gotten a beach towel for my grandson so I put his name on it!!
Also I realized that since my last post prior to last week was in November I hadn't told you that due to an unexpected financial blessing I was able to purchase the Floriani Total Control - U embroidery software
which I am still learning to use.  I know I had told you I had gone to a couple different Floriani events where the software was demoed and I really fell in love with it but it is somewhat expensive.  I am hoping to find some more time to learn this software.  There are a few events coming up between June and November that I plan to attend.  Most events are not very expensive and if you are into machine embroidery I highly recommend you attend if you can, you always walk away with free stuff (spools of embroidery thread, stabilizer samples) not to mention the knowledge of those teaching!
I am spending more time in my sewing room mostly trying to get it cleaned up so that it is useable.  I recently took some time to clean and rearrange it and once I get a little more cleaned up I'll post pics for everyone to see.
Well until next time!!

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Spring Thaw

Spring has finally sprung and I'm feeling revived and refreshed!  I'm beginning to think I have that seasonal depression that comes with winter, I just felt so unlike myself the whole winter and couldn't get motivated to do much during that time.  I had such big plans and all that seemed to happen was that I purchased things to do but never got them done, and boy did my sewing room show it (another post for another day).  I did start a block of the month in February which helped start getting me ready to start sewing again.  At my favorite quilt shop one of the teachers started the Park Bench Quilts block of the month

I decided that I wanted to use batiks in my quilt top so here is what I've got happening
February Blocks
March Blocks

April Blocks

I'm really liking these batiks and cannot wait to get the entire quilt top finished!
One of the ladies from our quilt guild spends the winter in Florida and while she was in Florida she had the opportunity to see this quilt block being put together

But didn't know what the pattern was called and I searched the internet high and low and couldn't find it so I sat down with Excel and created my own and this is what I ended up with minus the sashing
I wanted the graduated colors as well and lucked out that my favorite quilt shop had 1 left that I almost missed out on as another customer had picked it up and carried it around but decided to go a different way and laid it back down so it was my fortune to be able to pick it up.  I'm gonna try to find another jelly roll if possible to have.
Well I know this has been a long post and hopefully I don't wait so long to post again!
Until next time!