Monday, July 23, 2012

Finally Some Sewing Going On!!!!

Well I finally got to spend some time in my sewing room!!!  I have so much more to do but I'm so glad I got to do something, my nieces birthday is tomorrow but they had her party on Saturday so I put this together for her, she will be 3

Her party was Hello Kitty theme so I made this bag, bought a Hello Kitty activity pad & crayons, Hello Kitty gift bag and Hello Kitty card.  I think I had it covered!!!

I did get some more done on my red and white block quilt top but not enough to take and post pictures.  Hoping to find some more time this week to get more completed on it.

Well until next time,

Monday, July 16, 2012

Power Update & Misc

Well we got our power back at 7:30 pm on Sunday, July 8.  Nine whole days without power!!  So no sewing got done that week at all, we were living with our daughter and son-in-law in town who didn't lose power, but we were making several trips home each day to take care of the dogs and cat.  What a week it was 95+ each day with high humidity.  The house was like an oven most days and the poor cat and our indoor dog suffered, the outside dog did as well especially since I normally bring her in each night to sleep in her kennel inside.  She just couldn't understand what was going on.  She was so happy when we finally were able to bring her back in each night, then it cooled down tremendously last week.  Then VBS started and I still didn't get any sewing done!  I did get some work done on a crochet blanket I'm making for the baby.  Oh by the way, we're getting a boy!!!  I'm so excited I can hardly stand myself!

My daughter is pregnant and her baby shower was this past Saturday and I had planned on getting so many things sewn for the shower the week we had no power but it just didn't happen as planned.  We were amoung the fortunate ones that had no damage just lost some groceries that can be replaced easily.  Although now my frig is as bare as Mother Hubbard's cupboard!  I've been to the grocery but it just doesn't seem to be filling up very fast with the amount of money I seem to be spending.

Well hopefully this week will produce some results from the sewing room.  There are so many things I'm wanting to get done and I'm running out of time!!!

Well until next time!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Power Outage

Well there isn't much sewing getting done around here, we lost our power Friday evening when the storms hit so unfortunately my normal sewing night was stopped before it even got started.  Friday nights always seem like a good time to sew, normally I'm home alone so it makes for a great time for me to get some sewing done.  Hopefully it will dome back on soon, but we are blessed that our daughter and son-in-law have power so we have been staying at their house.

Well until next time,